4 PM Mass is not cancelled
The snow expected to fall
this afternoon on Saturday, Feb 15
is expected to be light and turn to rain.
We will go ahead
and have the 4:00 PM Mass tonight.
Live Streaming of Masses
Regular Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses
St. Dorothea
- Saturday: 4 PM
- Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:00 AM
Precious Blood
- Saturday: 5:30 PM
- Sunday: 8:00 AM; 9:30 AM; & 11:00 AM
Daily Mass Schedule
Precious Blood
- Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - From Ash Wednesday to Christmas
- Between Christmas and Ash Wednesday (mostly Jan & Feb), no daily Masses
St. Dorothea
- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday: 12:15 PM
- Tuesdays: 7:00 PM
Office Hours & Contact
phone: 732-542-0148
email: office@saintdorothea.org
Rectory Office Hours
Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Please Note: While our office has reopened, if you could do your business with the parish by phone or email, that would be preferable. If you do need to come to the office in person, please call ahead and wear a face covering into the office. Mail and envelopes can be placed in the mail lock-box next to the door of the parish office.
If you need financial assistance please contact:
St. Vincent DePaul Society at 732-939-6225
or check out their website at http://stdorothea-stvincentdepaul.org/
To help those with financial needs, food donations may be made to the St. Dorothea Food Pantry by bringing donations to the lobbies of St. Dorothea Church. Donations to St. Vincent de Paul can be made directly to the 'Poor Box' in St. Dorothea.
Tuesdays and Fridays after daily Masses
Precious Blood:
Tuesdays after 8:30a Mass
Fridays after the 8:30a Mass
St. Dorothea:
Tuesdays after the 7p Mass
Fridays after the 12:15p Mass
Mass Intentions
During the month of November, we take requests for Mass Intentions in the following year. In December, we schedule the requests. This avoids the 'first come first serve' rush for Mass Intentions.
Requests can be made in person at the parish office Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM. Please wear a mask when coming to the office. Or you may fill out the request form and send it with the standard donation of $10 to the office by mail, dropping it off in the collection, or in the mail box at the office outside of office hours.
- If you are not feeling well stay home
- Wear a mask to church if you're not vaccinated
- Wash / Sanitize hands
For additional information, please click on Covid Info tab above.
Snow Announcement
No Cancellations at this time.